How to create an impressive Job Ad - 5 ideas
When was the last time you noticed a really impressive job ad? I mean a really memorable one? Most of the job ads look just ordinary, dull and with no eye-catching WOW factor. In order to get noticed instantly a company needs to apply different strategies.
12 Guidelines companies need to follow in their Pre-Employment Assessments
Hiring practices have changed dramatically in the last few years. Technology changed the rules and jobseekers need to be aware of that. If a company expects high quality candidates they need to make sure that they also portray their own company in a professional manner. A pre-employment test is one strategy that a company can use in order to brand themselves as a great, future-oriented company.
Pre-Employment Assessments Done Right!
Hiring the wrong person can become a costly and time-wasting issue for an organisation. Many companies consider therefore pre-employment testing tools which will allow them to screen and select the most suitable, qualified and reliable candidates and screen out those that don’t seem to fit for whatever reason.
Skillmeter Introduces Programming Tests
I am excited to announce the launch of a new feature of Skillmeter that allows recruiters to create programming/code tests to measure the “practical” skills of your candidates. Programming tests support a wide variety of languages like C#, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, VB.NET.
How to Stand Out From a Crowded Field of Applicants During Your Job Interview
Times are tough out there, and it seems that there are an ever growing number of people competing for an ever shrinking number of jobs. Many people send off CV's by the dozen, and rarely get to the interview stage...
New question type: Picture Choice
I'm happy to announce you that starting now Skillmeter supports a new question type: Picture Choice. Thanks to this improvement we raised at 7 the number of supported question types: Multiple choice with only one correct answer, Multiple choice with two or more correct answers, True/False, Ranking, Exact match, "Fill in the blank" / Essay, Picture Choice.
New question types: Ranking & Exact Match
We've worked hard to improve Skillmeter with new features: we've added support for two new question types: ranking & exact match and we've improved the candidates notification with html support and added test duration.
Implementing Social Recruitment into Your HR Plan
If your job is to recruit the best talent for a company, have you considered the idea of social recruitment? This is the process of using the various social media you have at your disposal to increase awareness of your job offers and incite interest in the positions.
IT Recruitment-Creative Ways to Win Your Ideal Candidate
IT recruitment and hiring is one the rise and to say there is a strong demand for talent is an understatement. According to one recent survey, three quarters of CIOs plan to either fill vacant IT positions or expand their existing IT staff. It’s all about reaching candidates where they live, learning their behavior patterns, and understanding their trigger points.
Social Recruitment: 3 Ways to Optimize Social Media for HR
Social media is changing the whole hiring and recruiting game. No longer do the classified sections, newspaper articles, or even listings websites like Idealist, Indeed, or Monster dictate the market on job recruitment information.