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Why Employees Need to Find Purpose in Their Work

Most employees see work as nothing more than a means to an end. Oftentimes, the main, if not the sole reason employees keep their job is for the paycheck. Of course, money is important as it allows people to gain security, have living accommodations, and buy food to eat. Though this is the case, working at a job that one finds no meaning in can have a slew of overlooked negative consequences that can affect one’s ability to be happy.

Remote Networking Guide for Graduate Students

Graduate students looking to advance their career, or even transition into a new one, can benefit tremendously from networking. Studies have shown that around 70% of jobs aren’t posted online, while a whopping 80% of jobs are filled through networking.

Given this telling information, networking can be a vital skill for graduate students looking to land their next job. Here are some tips for graduate students looking to bolster their networking skills and land their next job.

Skills to Observe When Hiring for Remote Work

Today’s average workplace often looks very different than it might have looked ten years ago. The hugely affecting events of COVID-19 accelerated a trend that was already well in the works - the shift from conventional work happening at a location with all your coworkers, to the development of remote work arrangements.

“Telework” takes countless forms. It may be fully remote or look like a hybrid model of some kind. If your business involves working with remote employees, you’ll have a sense of how remote working changes conventional employer/employee/team member dynamics. Because of this, it’s important to be aware of certain aptitudes that are more important for remote work situations when hiring employees who will work remotely.

A Recruiting and Interviewing Guide for Human Resource Managers

As a human resource manager, you’ve got a lot of responsibilities to deal with on a daily basis. Hiring, however, is one of the most important responsibilities of all. After all, hiring the right (or wrong) people can make or break a company’s success.

With that in mind, you need to be strategic in the way you approach the recruiting and interviewing process so you can filter the candidate pool and find the best fit for each role. Here are some factors to consider as you continue to build up the team within your organization.

Utilizing Social Media: 6 Platforms You Can Use to Get A Job (and How to Use Them)

It’s difficult to think of life without social media. Whether you browse through TikTok or Twitter endlessly or use Facebook to communicate with friends and family, social media has had an extremely significant impact on everyone.

The many uses of social media have extended to professional business use through digital marketing, but so many have missed the opportunity to utilize social media for purposes other than personal and professional means. For graduates or anyone looking for their next job, did you know that using social media can be a practical method for job searching? 

7 Ways Education Can Empower Your Staff

We hire employees to fully harness their skills and talents, so why not make an effort to upgrade these skills? A recent Gallup poll showed that 87% of millennials believe that educating employees is essential in the workplace. It not only strengthens their skills but also develops them as whole human beings. There are a large number of benefits that come with educating your staff. Here are 7 key ways that education can empower your staff. - the place where makers show what they've done is the place where makers show the world what they've made.

It's a different kind of profile page where it's not about the companies you worked for but what you've done.

It's also a place where you discover other makers like you. Get feedback or let others know what you think about their work.

It's where you get inspired and motivated.

It's where you learn and grow.

How Recruiters Can Improve Their Candidate Interviewing

One of the essential tasks of working as a recruiter or an HR executive is conducting interviews for vacancies. While employees may come and go the process of interviewing candidates never comes to a halt. Different recruiters have their methods of conducting interviews with potential candidates, but a systematic approach to recruiting a candidate is missing these days.

Compliance and Essential Training You Should Know

Trust and reputation are essential for any organisation, which is why corporate compliance training is important. Clients, consumers, employees and stakeholders expect transparency and ethical conduct. It is for these reasons why companies should have a compliance training program in place. Compliance training reduces risks, maintains trust, keeps everyone updated, and minimises the risk of anyone violating the law.

How to Hire Employees That Will Last

Dealing with high turnover rates is difficult at any company. So, if you're a hiring manager who's on the lookout for someone new to join the team, you have to be thinking about the longevity of the employees you hire at your company.