
Top Five Skills Your SaaS Marketing Team Needs in 2023

SaaS marketing is a method of digital marketing that promotes software-as-a-service (SaaS) products. Because you don’t have a physical product, you might think it’s a challenge to market your service. However, if your SaaS marketing team has the top five skills, you’ll have no problem finding new customers and broadening your client base.

How To Create a SaaS Marketing Plan

Before drafting your own SaaS marketing plan, check out the competition. See what other providers do and think of how you can build on that foundation to stand out from the crowd. You might already have an effective marketing plan in place, so look for areas where you can scale up the approach to pull in even more customers.

Top Five Skills Your SaaS Marketing Team Needs

There are many approaches to SaaS marketing that work, and your team can try different strategies along the way. However, with these top five skills as their baseline, you’ll find that the sky’s the limit when trying new campaigns to attract your ideal customer.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is crucial when it comes to organic advertisements and traffic. You can easily integrate this strategy into your website, landing pages, and product listings. When you naturally use popular keywords in your content, your page shows up high on the search results. With over 53% of people clicking on the first link, you want to be as close to the top as possible.

Google penalizes sites that use keyword stuffing, so your marketing team should understand how to organically insert the keywords into relevant content. They can research keywords and find the most popular searches for each month or quarter. From there, they can add keywords to meta descriptions, titles, and tags.

When your website utilizes keywords to appear at the top of the search results, you’re already going to get decent traffic. By further implementing these SEO practices in the landing page copy and blog posts, you’ll keep people on your page even longer. As they learn more about your company, you’ll earn ad revenue and increase your chances of making them customers.

In addition to those methods of on-page SEO, you can use off-page SEO by link-building. This process involves getting quality backlinks from authoritative sites in your field. Influential social media accounts sharing your content will also boost your traffic.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is important regardless of what app is currently the most popular. Influencers have loyal followings because they show their real lives and attract certain types of people. When you find an influencer in your target market, you can work out a partnership that will help promote your brand to thousands or millions of potential customers.

You can also boost your SaaS business’s social media to increase this type of engagement and traffic. Create content, images, and videos that share your brand and company’s mission. Engage with like-minded people online and share links to your blog posts and products.

Reaching users on their platforms will help raise awareness of your brand instead of relying on them to come to you. While you can link your homepage and relevant blog posts, creating fresh content that shares bite-sized information about your SaaS will attract more views.

Email Marketing

While many companies focus solely on influencer marketing and social media as the latest trend, it’s crucial to keep your email marketing going strong. Email marketing has an ROI of 4,200%, so it’s worth creating regular campaigns to reach customers on your mailing list.

You can automate your campaigns to send welcome emails, regular discounts, reminders about reactivation or upgrades, and newsletters about the company. While the algorithm may make it hard for your company to get eyes on social media, you know your email campaigns land directly in your users’ inboxes.

While you know your customer will see the email, you should still engage them with personalized greetings, easy-to-read text, and catchy subject lines that convey your purpose concisely. You don’t want to irritate customers and push them to unsubscribe, so keep each message short and simple, and don’t send emails too frequently.

Understanding of User Experience

The most efficient marketers understand the ideal customer on many levels. They know what the customer wants and why they search for it. When an ad explains the pain points potential customers feel, they connect with the brand and want to know more. That’s the first hurdle of the user experience.

Once your SaaS marketing team harnesses the potential customer, they must streamline the process. You don’t need to create too many steps between the initial contact and closing the deal. The more effort it takes, the more likely the customer will go back to the search engine and find another option.

By streamlining navigation, simplifying the checkout process, and offering the best products and upgrades, your SaaS marketing team will ensure people who see the initial ad quickly become subscribers to your product.

However, it doesn’t end there. You want to ensure your company can follow up on this initial connection by continuing to provide top-notch customer service to retain clients.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

This skill is one that costs more money than the other, more organic options, but if your SaaS marketing team knows how to make the most of this approach, it pays off exponentially.

People often click on search engine ads and banners on other sites, so paying for ad space is worth the investment. You can use paid outlets such as:

• Facebook Ads • Google Ads • Instagram Ads • LinkedIn Ads • Microsoft Ads • Twitter Ads

Google and Microsoft ads are the most helpful outlets for search engines, but the other social platforms will ensure you reach your target audience and get good returns for your investment.

Final Thoughts on SaaS Marketing Skills

If your SaaS marketing team masters these top five skills, you’ll find that there’s plenty of potential for finding new customers. Take advantage of these paid and free outlets to grow your brand and get your SaaS product in the hands of everyone who can benefit from it.