
New question types: Ranking & Exact Match


I'm happy to announce you that new features are available on Skillmeter as of today:

New question types:

-We’ve added support for 2 more question types: Ranking & Exact Match.

  • Ranking is a question that can have up to 6 possible answers in a specific order. Candidates are asked to put the answers in the right order.
  • Exact Match is a question with a free text answer which is considered correct if candidates’ response is identical with the question answer.

This bring us to 6 possible question types that we support and that you can mix in your tests: multiple choice with one correct answers, multiple choice with multiple correct answers, true/false, ranking, exact match and fill-in-the-blank/essay.

Candidate Notification:

-We’ve added support for HTML in the notification email that is sent to the candidates, which means you can change the format of the text, add links and/or images

-We’ve added test duration next to each test name to give more visibility to the candidates regarding how much of their time is needed

We are commited to make Skillmeter #1 platform for online testing for recruiters, trainers and educatord, feel free to follow the blog to stay up to date with more updates from us. 

Founder of Skillmeter: