
How to Relieve Stress When Job Hunting

Job hunting can be incredibly stressful. Many unknowns are looming ahead, especially if you lost your previous job suddenly and are struggling with finances. With a blur of applications and interviews nonstop, it can start to feel like there’s no end in sight.

You can’t control external circumstances, such as when/where someone will hire you. However, you can control your stress levels and take steps to manage it as best as possible.

Here are some tips you can try to reduce the stress of finding a new job.

Find a Physical Outlet for Your Stress

When dealing with stressful situations and rigorous demands, the situation can start to take a toll on your physical and mental health. You’re not crazy for this—everyone needs some outlet to let out that negative energy. It’s healthy to have something you know you can go to in times of high stress.

Some examples of healthy releases can be intense workouts, screaming into a pillow, or aggressive music playing. Check out used cymbals here if you want an instrument you can play to pound out your stress!

Make a Plan: Set a Schedule

Having unstructured free space all day to do whatever we want or need to sounds excellent in theory… until it’s 1 pm and you haven’t gotten out of bed yet.

Unstructured time can work to your advantage, but only if you know how to work it. If you require a step-by-step plan for your day, sit down, and plan every hour. It only takes 15 minutes to schedule what you’ll do for every hour of the day for the whole week!

If you hate regimented schedules, make a list of things you want to accomplish in your day. You can check them off as you get to them.

Whether you finish your list at 3 pm or 9 pm, accomplishing the day’s tasks is what’s critical! You’ll be amazed at how much more you accomplish when you list out your tasks beforehand.

P.S. Don’t forget to schedule some breaks throughout the day!

Stay Accurate

It’s crucial not to let yourself get too down and out about your situation – this will only fuel more negativity. It can cause you to spiral down into a self-pitying hole, which will exacerbate your stress. Also, it’s unhelpful.

It’s also as detrimental to be unrealistically positive.

Saying things like, “Everything will be just fine, we don’t have to worry!” is not helpful. However, an accurate statement would be something like, “If I don’t send out applications today, I’ll have a less likely chance of finding a job, which would make my finances suffer.”

A rational statement presents the issue in a way that you can resolve by taking the necessary steps! Take control of your mood by being accurate about your current situation.

Reach Out for Help

If you’ve exhausted all of your resources, and nothing is working to relieve your stress, it may be time to seek outside help. You can start with a friend or a family member – talk to them about what is going on and let them help you share the burden.

If that doesn’t help, there is no shame in seeking advice from a mental health professional. Therapists have the training to help clients deal with difficult life situations and give you the tools you need to keep your chin up during this difficult time.

The Bottom Line

Stress can make a difficult situation even more challenging when you are on the market for a new job. Don’t let it overwhelm you—take back control by mitigating its effects via any means necessary. 

Founder of Skillmeter: